
Showing posts from October, 2019

Mamma Mia!

When I was younger, my aunt Angie and I would dance around the kitchen table to Mamma Mia, alternating between a wooden spoon and a broom as our microphone. Since I was young, I loved Mamma Mia. How cliché and basic is it of me to say Mamma Mia was a contribution to why I chose to study abroad in Greece? Well, it was a big reason why I came. My mom also loves Mamma Mia. She saw it on Broadway eight times. Yes, eight times. Our goal was to go to Greece together and explore the Mamma Mia island. Finally, we did. Two months too long, my mom finally came to visit. I took the metro and met her at her hotel in downtown Athens. Of course, we both teared up and cried a bit. I showed her around downtown Athens and took her to a few of my favorite places. For the weekend of October 18, our Mamma Mia journey began. We took a taxi to Volos, stayed the night there, and took a ferry to the island of Skopelos (the Mamma Mia island) the next morning. Skopelos is very pretty and I imagine it to b

A Reunion Like No Other

For the weekend of October 4, majority of the Loyola students in Greece were either going to Oktoberfest or Mykonos (since many of them went to Oktoberfest the weekend before). So sadly, our group was being split up, but another reunion was coming. To start off, myself and about eight other girls slept over in one tiny dorm room to make the trip to either the airport or ferry easier to travel together. Going to sleep at 1 a.m., I woke up at 3 a.m. to leave for the airport with Allie, Sarah, and Cooper for our 5:35 a.m. boarding time. We arrived in Munich, Germany at about 7:35 a.m., taking into consideration the time difference. The airport in Germany was hands down, the biggest airport I’ve been in. It reminded me of a mall. Here, we met up with Loyola students who were abroad in Rome, Spain, Germany, and Cork, to name a few. It was a Loyola reunion. Everyone was running to their friends with open arms, and some even shed a few tears. Some of us split ways, while me and three

A Cheap Flight

On the weekend of September 27 th , many people from our group planned trips and majority of our group was going to Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. For this weekend, I had nothing planned. I know, first world problems. I was trying to figure out if I wanted to visit another friend abroad, if I should stay in Greece to save myself some money, or if I should go to another country with some friends who also weren’t busy that weekend. As I was debating this, Kathryn, Allie, and Bridget told me they were booking a flight to Bulgaria. Yes, Bulgaria. To be completely honest, I had no idea where Bulgaria was. Turns out, it’s North of Greece and about an hour flight. I debated for about two days if I should go or not. But the flight was cheap, so was the Airbnb, and it was another experience. When else would I decide to go to Bulgaria? So, Bulgaria it was. Arriving in Bulgaria that Friday night, the airport was empty. When I say empty, I mean empty. Uber doesn’t work there, so we walked ou