There's No Place Like Home

* Beware: This is a pretty corny blog post. You can cringe if you want, I know I am. But what else did you expect for a last post?*

Do you ever feel like if you blink, you might miss something? Yeah, well that’s how abroad basically felt. I remember back in January, staying up late with my roommates the night our abroad decisions went live. We were all so nervous to see if we got our first choices or if we even got into abroad. And I remember all of our excitement for each other and ourselves when we realized we all got our number one choice. 

I remember during summer, not having a social life because I was working two jobs back to back to save for abroad. Because September to December would be the best months of my life. So, I heard. And it was true. It’s also true that it all went by too quick. Like when you fast forward a movie and see clips of different moments and then suddenly, you’re at the end of the movie within a few short minutes. That’s abroad.

While abroad, I caught myself calling Greece home faster than I started calling Loyola home. I’ve been at Loyola for two years and I’ve been in Greece for about three and a half months. Before Greece, I didn’t know majority of the Loyola kids in my program. And the ones I did know, I was only friendly with. Friendly meaning, we would go to the same pregame, or say hi, or just small talk. Ya know, friendly. But now I can say that I made so many new friends and lasting friendships. I admit that’s corny, but it’s the truth. So, thank you, Greece for letting me fulfill my Mamma Mia dream.

This entire year has a been a year of growth for me. I’ve stepped outside of my comfort zone more times than I originally may have wanted to, in order to grow. And abroad is a big part to this year and my growth. Abroad has taught me so many new things about myself, others, and other cultures. It also made me more of a confident person because you have to step out of your comfort zone more often and do things you may have originally been afraid to do. Like for some people that may be taking a taxi by yourself in a foreign country to a new airport just to head to another foreign country. Whatever the experience may be, you’re expanding your knowledge, your experiences, and who you are. Abroad truly tests your independence, patience, and a ton of other things that I’m currently blanking out on sharing.

I’m excited to go home and see my family and friends, but I’m also sad to be leaving Greece. But I have so many memories to take with me and when I look back on this trip, I have abroad and the people I’ve spent my time with to thank for adding to who I’ve grown to be this year. 

So now my next challenge is, what’s the next thing I can do in my life to top abroad?

Me in September at JFK leaving for Greece.                Me in December arriving in JFK from Greece. 

                          One of the views, looking over the soccer field and track at the American                                                                                         College of Greece.

View from the Acropolis.

                                                   The view from my bedroom balcony.

Me and my mom, Patricia, outside the American College of Greece.


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