The Study in Study Abroad

Oh, the topic I probably should be writing more about. Ya know, the study in study abroad. First, some students would be glad to know that there are benefits to classes at The American College of Greece that are better than Loyola (sorry not sorry Loyola). But, then again there are some downsides. Opinions may vary.

The way the classes are physically structured, are similar. Meaning they all contain desks while a teacher stands in front of the class. But, their rules and ways of teaching are rather different. For example, you get six skips per class but for language classes, you only get 4 skips. After this, you fail the class. Scary. Another difference is, besides with language classes, there’s not much assigned homework besides maybe reading for some classes or recommended work. Some of the classes use powerpoints while others are merely a lecture class. When it comes to tests, depending on the level of your class, some classes will have a midterm and final exam while some of my other classes are just a paper for your midterm and a sit down final exam. 

Because there’s not much homework or even quizzes, your grade relies on your midterm and final. Also scary. When it comes to the exams, some classes will have it in their classroom during their class time, while others may have it in a bigger area mixed in with other sections or even completely different courses. Most of these professors expect you to attend their class that same day. I’m not positive if this is for every class, I think it is though, but once you take your exam, the professor grades it and then another person, with knowledge of that subject, comes in and grades your exam as well. Like a second opinion. And they, most of the time, lower your grade from what your professor originally graded you. That’s what a professor shared, probably to scare us into studying harder. 

At The American College of Greece, I’m taking four courses and one online course with Loyola. These courses are: American History, Sociology of Modern Life, Greek Language, and Film Analysis. My online course is Travel Reporting, hence this blog. My favorite classes I’m taking are Film Analysis and Travel Reporting, and I’m not just saying that to get a good grade in this course... unless (kidding...unless). I take my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays in order to give myself the option for a long weekend to travel. These classes take place starting at 9:25 until 4:20 with a university wide break inbetween for lunch. These classes last an hour and fifteen minutes each. It’s not a bad setup. 

In total, I do enjoy these classes. I also love the fact that I don’t get assigned any homework, besides for my language class and online calss. This way I’m focusing on exploring, traveling, getting more cultured, and enjoying life- as one should.

I realized that while it’s beneficial to have assignments and strict deadlines like Loyola, I also realized more so than before, that America spends too much time worrying about school and work instead of enjoying time with friends, family, and themselves. Reflecting back on my high school career and the past two years at university, I’ve spent more time with school work, jobs, and sports instead of taking a breath to take time for myself and others. I’m not saying I should blow off all my assignments and not care about what grades I get for the rest of my college career, but I should find a better balance and not be so uptight with worrying about getting an A on every assignment instead of going out with my friends and enjoying my days being young. I think I just switched gears and shifted this blog post to be less about my studies, but I had good intentions. 
Inside the American College of Greece.
(One of the areas where classrooms are.)

Outside the American College of Greece.


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